What is the Jewish People's Assembly West?

The Jewish People's Assembly: West is a gathering of West Coast Jews to celebrate our diversity across lines of gender and sexuality, race, class, dis/ability, and a broad left-political spectrum. Through ritual, panels, and workshops, we are building a shared, radically affirming Jewish life that can center and expand conversations around identity, power, Jewishness, and Israel/Palestine.

Who is organizing the Jewish People's Assembly?

The Jewish People's Assembly is affiliated with Open Hillel, and is being organized by a broad coalition of Jewish leaders, organizations, and community members in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Is the JPA West related to the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly?

As the umbrella organization that funds and supports much of Jewish life across the US and Canada, the Jewish Federations often claim to speak on behalf of all North American Jews. Their positions and policies, however, often marginalize and erase the actual diversity of our Jewish communities. By gathering in our vision on the same day as the JFNA General Assembly, JPA West is intended to call attention to that failure. We are gathering to showcase our diversity and to demonstrate a working model of pluralistic Jewish community building.

How can I get involved?

If you're attending, please register via Eventbrite and RSVP to the Facebook event. We are looking for individuals to help organize at many different levels, especially to offer workshops, speakers, and ritual! You can also email us a jpawest at gmail dot com if you or your community have anything to offer or if you have any questions.